Fruit Bath Benefits (Lemon Grass Bath)
Before you say Fruitnurse you Don come again I want you to answer this..
Have you see soap made with lemon grass?
What about teas?
What about cream?
If yes then Read this and practice…
I always say health should be accessible and available to all..
Tell me what an average Nigerian have to do without buying supplements over millions to stay healthy?
That’s where I come in…
My aunty treated malaria and it was so bad…
She didn’t recover..
Some mums too have been asking what they can do..
Am introducing you all to lemon grass Bath…
One therapy we all can use after and during treatment of malaria..
It’s so effective for joint pains and fever..
All you need to is boil and add to you water and bath..
Infact That’s your natural deodorant..
Lastly its best to steam with it after malaria treatment..
But you can bath with it cool during malaria treatment..
The essential oil in lemon grass is so so great for pain and boost your energy level after treatment..
You can add a table spoon of Epsom salt ( optional)
Guess what? You don’t have to wait till you have malaria before you do this…
Tap into nature and for once leave PROCESSED Stuffs and get to the root..
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